Some of the CRAZIEST trips I've booked.

I’m not trying to brag about how ‘good’ of a traveler I am, nor will use poofy language to explain why I’m qualified to help you plan and properly prepare for your trips–that’s disingenuous and a waste of everyone’s time. 

Here are SOME of the itineraries that I’ve made for myself, booked, and completed. Each of these itineraries is a single trip with VERY complex routings, different visa requirements, cross-city airport transfers, and different types of transport. All involved international flights, and most have at least one or two domestic flights, a train, a local bus, or a long distance taxi (some pre-UBER). 

Each one of these itineraries needed a ton of creative thinking to best utilize my airline miles, find the BEST flights/routings for what I wanted to do, problem solve on the fly, meticulously organize each flight, and maximize efficiency between flight times and activities. 

Note: each color is a different ticket; most of them were airline miles (especially the long distance flights). 

Most of these were done solo, but I often did meet and make friends along the way–and still keep in touch with them! 

Personalized Itineraries--just for you!

Trip from South Korea: 16 days and nearly 15,000 miles. 

One Ticket, seven cities, and BUSINESS class:
Seoul, Korea -> Istanbul, Turkey -> Tbilisi, Georgia -> Barcelona, Spain -> Frankfurt, Germany ->
Beijing, China -> Seoul, Korea.

One ticket, + saved over $1,000!
Yerevan, Armenia -> Vienna, Austria

Summer of 2022 (primarily in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Turkey)

One Ticket, three cities, saved hundreds of dollars!
College Station, Texas -> London, UK. London, UK-> Istanbul, Turkey.

One ticket earned me enough miles to pay for itself! (+ come to the rescue in a family emergency)
Istanbul, Turkey -> Abu Dhabi, UAE -> Incheon, Korea (return)
