Getting Started
Not sure where to go? See which country / destination suits you best!
Looking for deep travel information about Asia? Check out GuideMie's travel blog!
International travel can be completely overwhelming!
We've broken down the entire preparation process, step by step.
GuideMie's got you covered for traveling in Asia
Ideas on where to go + a budget breakdown.
Local Transportation
Taxi? Bus? Angkot? Tuk-Tuk? Uber?
Here's a quick safety guide on things to think about when going from A to B
Language + Culture Guides
Build relationships to discover more.
Safety + Security
Travel tips and advice to protect yourself and minimize problems.
Local Food and Hygiene
Less time in the bathroom = more time at tables, in markets, and with a smile!
Need help building or planning your trip?
GuideMie has over 10 years of travel and living experience in Asia backing you.
Other travel websites feature canned itineraries full of tourist traps and charge you a ton. GuideMie won't. Every part of your journey is tailored to you and your individual needs.